Hands On Health values your privacy.

We have been given explicit consent by these patients to use their testimonials and success stories in our promotion. No success story was posted without the consent of the patient.

At 76 I seem to be getting healthier than ever!

Tim has been working with me monthly for over 10 years. That statement should say it all. However it does not capture the diligent, caring and vigilance over the problems that may have risen with my body.

At the age of 76 I seem to be getting healthier than ever and much of that has to do with Tim’s work (of course many other elements have been operating as well, but I always have used Tim as a guardian of possible problems and he has never disappointed me).

The period to this success story has to include Tim’s integrity – which is on par with his commitment and professionalism.


November 2010

Thank you for your expert help!

I have just realized how much I’ve been enjoying such good health and well-being, thanks to Dr. Tim!

It’s been two years since I’ve even had a cold!!

I used to be plagued with multiple earaches and upper-respiratory infections, but they are a thing of the past!

Thank you for your expert help and wonderful supplements Dr. Tim!!


22 November 2019

Thank you for my relief!


Today and this week I celebrate 80+ years :). I have been seeing you for over 30 of them.

I thank you for seeing me through many, many moments of distress — and for ALWAYS working solutions for my relief and continued persistence with this lifetime.

I admire your advances in your technologies and that you always answer the phone when I need your brilliance and support.

Best to you!!


15 March 2023

It no longer hurts to get out of bed!

In my first week on the program I noticed some really interesting changes.

Best of all, I began to get back a lot more energy than I’d had before. It no longer hurts to get out of bed in the morning, my sleep is better and I’m able to play a lot move holes of Disc Golf than I’d been able to before.

I feel years younger. Tim and NRT are a godsend!

30 March 2023

My ever-loving thanks to you!

This success story comes with much love and many, many thanks.

I was quite an unhappy lady when I first started with Tim.

I couldn’t live life.

The constant back pain and exhaustion kept me from living the type of existence that I was used to.
Your wonderful care, and the unbelievable gradient of your messages put me back on the road.
After just a short time I was able to focus, now drive my car, and can stay UP for the entire day!!
My ever-loving thanks to you for all of this.

Your so great!


20 December 1990

Hands On Health values your privacy.

We have been given explicit consent by these patients to use their testimonials and success stories in our promotion. No success story was posted without the consent of the patient.